Tim De Maeyer
Webmaster, Editor, Founder, Layouter,...
e-mail: tim@toyotatuning.be
ICQ N° 6594719

"I've started this site for fun, it's my dream to build a community where all Toyota drivers could find people with the same intrests.  And I hope that I can make this for a bit from this site."

I would like to say a special word of thanks to Frederic from CarStyling.net who helps me throug good and bad times.

Tim owns a Tuned Toyota Celica '2000 with Veilside body kit and much more and a Starlet for daily use. 

Nico De Stoop
Technical Consultant, Article Writer
e-mail: stonic@toyotatuning.be
ICQ N° 142161193

Nico is a real Toyota knowledge-base, if you want to know something, Nico is the one who can help you with your problems.

Nico owns an exclusive tuned Toyota MR '1985 and is now busy with a new Yaris TS.

Peter Segers
3D Artist, Photographer
e-mail: peter.s@skynet.be
ICQ N° 50541693

Peter is a real car addict, he's specialised in computer art, 3D-art, digital-movies, photoshop,... that's his life.

Peter owns a nice Toyota Corolla G6 with Booster Kit

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